Friday, October 11, 2024

Upcoming quiz: Metis & Indigenous groups

1. Notes:
-two rebellions led by Louis Riel
-who the Metis? Metis' List of Rights
-Numbered Treaties and the Indian Act, 1876

Watch this Heritage minute about Louis Riel.

2. Quiz: Thursday, October 17
-15 short answer questions (~20 marks)
-notes: Metis rebellions, Treaties & the "Indian Act," 1876
Quizziz: 8428 3032

Monday, September 23, 2024

Sept. 23: Mid-chapter test

Upcoming evaluation: End of the week of Sept. 30:
Mid-chapter 1 test: about ~14 short answer questions (41 marks)
-4 questions: from responsible gov't to Indigenous issues in C.E. (notes, p. 2-5)
-11 questions: factors of confederation - confederation, B. N. A. Act, federal-provincial relations (notes, p. 6-8)
-refer to maps, handouts, textbook (gr. 04)
-go to
1. Durham to end of British protection: 9775 2902
2. Reciprocity to Confederation: 8175 4254

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

January 3: Update

Happy new year, sweet angels! I hope you are all well, that Christmas was fun and that 2024 is a great year for you. We could use a lot more snow. 

As you know, we'll (probably) be back next Tuesday (day 6, 02 blue; Wednesday, day 7; 01 red). I will review the Laurier era (notes, short booklet... and yes, there'll still be a short test a few days later) and start the Second Phase of Industrialization (notes & textbook pages posted on the new google classroom on Nov. 26). 

To help you get into the swing of things, especially if you are BORED, I have edited and reposted ch. 1 quizizz. They are available until January 13 (after that, don't use these codes).

Laurier era, test information:
-16 short answer questions
-foreign and domestic policy

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Nov. 26: FAE strike continues.

Not sure if parents shared information that I emailed last Sunday. Thus, I'll communicate via google classroom with both red & blue groups. I've uploaded notes and readings (yay!) and a link to the blog.

Available on G-class:
-Laurier era notes (upcoming test)  
-2nd phase - new notes for those who write out all their notes OR those who have the next F-I-B pages (red group)
-corresponding textbook pages

-Laurier (still running): 7415 5386
-new: 2nd phase of industrialization: 8858 9819 

Laurier era, test information:
-16 short answer questions
-foreign and domestic policy

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Two week plan: Nov. 6-Nov. 15: Laurier's foreign & domestic policies

Nov. 6: Monday (blue): Strike morning

-for those in attendance, we will go over the chapter 1 exam

November 7-10: Laurier & Canada's role in the British empire

Tuesday & Thursday (red(blue):
1. Start Laurier era, 1896-1911
-who was Wilfrid Laurier?
-explain vocab: nationalism, imperialism, autonomy
2. Notes, p. 1 & 2: 
-Canada's role in the Brit. empire (foreign policy: Boer War, the naval issue, WWI)
3. Start booklet: 
-complete p. 1-2

Friday: (red)
-Remembrance Day ceremony (LiFT & part of period 2)
-review Laurier & foreign policy

November 13-15: Domestic policies

-notes, p. 3: Migration
-gov't measures re. immigration
-rise of xenophobia & Canada's immigration policy after 1906
-notes, p. 4-5:
-notes, p. 4: French Catholic minorities in Canada
-finish booklet

TEST: Laurier Era

after the 4 ped. day break:
16 short answer questions
-study notes, p. 1-4 & Laurier booklet
-definitions, politicians, Eng. imperialism vs. French Canadian nationalism, immigration & results, minorities in Canada...


-Laurier era: 7415 5386

November 16, 17; 20, 21:

-4 ped days; the beginning of three Common Front strike days
-Nov. 24: hard picket line by FAE strikers (teachers on the French side)
-email update to parents: notes to study & textbook reading (next topic: 2nd phase of industrialization)

Friday, October 27, 2023

Oct. 30-Nov. 3: Chapter 1 Exam

 Ch. 1 Exam: Thursday (02) & Friday (01)
21 short answer questions, based on documents; know the following topics:
-Act of Union (change & continuity, territory); 
-responsible gov't (events, politicians, means, change, dates);
-economic issues (end of protectionism, Reciprocity T., domestic market, National Policy); 
-confederation (politicians, time period, territory of Dominion of Canada); 
-problems associated with Canada's growth (fed-provincial issues, provincial autonomy, Metis uprisings, railway); 
-first phase of industrialization & social change (industries, characteristics, social change, urbanization, conditions in factories, in working class neighbourhoods...); 
-migration (urbanization, emigration, colonization); 
-the Church's role in Quebec (debate between ultramontanes & anticlericals).

-notes (17 pages) and handouts
-textbook mini-summaries: pp. 37, 53, 65, 83, & 99
-pp. 102-104, end of chapter summary
-link to a slideshow on the first phase of industrialization
-do the following quizziz:
1. Industrialization & social change (7365 3123) 

Focus on skills & terms:
-time period
-elements of agreement or disagreement
-recognizing basic facts

Heritage Minute: CPR

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

1. Video: "Restrictions on Women, end of the 19th century"
2. Review questions: First phase of industrialization
-use class notes