Sunday, November 26, 2023

Nov. 26: FAE strike continues.

Not sure if parents shared information that I emailed last Sunday. Thus, I'll communicate via google classroom with both red & blue groups. I've uploaded notes and readings (yay!) and a link to the blog.

Available on G-class:
-Laurier era notes (upcoming test)  
-2nd phase - new notes for those who write out all their notes OR those who have the next F-I-B pages (red group)
-corresponding textbook pages

-Laurier (still running): 7415 5386
-new: 2nd phase of industrialization: 8858 9819 

Laurier era, test information:
-16 short answer questions
-foreign and domestic policy

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Two week plan: Nov. 6-Nov. 15: Laurier's foreign & domestic policies

Nov. 6: Monday (blue): Strike morning

-for those in attendance, we will go over the chapter 1 exam

November 7-10: Laurier & Canada's role in the British empire

Tuesday & Thursday (red(blue):
1. Start Laurier era, 1896-1911
-who was Wilfrid Laurier?
-explain vocab: nationalism, imperialism, autonomy
2. Notes, p. 1 & 2: 
-Canada's role in the Brit. empire (foreign policy: Boer War, the naval issue, WWI)
3. Start booklet: 
-complete p. 1-2

Friday: (red)
-Remembrance Day ceremony (LiFT & part of period 2)
-review Laurier & foreign policy

November 13-15: Domestic policies

-notes, p. 3: Migration
-gov't measures re. immigration
-rise of xenophobia & Canada's immigration policy after 1906
-notes, p. 4-5:
-notes, p. 4: French Catholic minorities in Canada
-finish booklet

TEST: Laurier Era

after the 4 ped. day break:
16 short answer questions
-study notes, p. 1-4 & Laurier booklet
-definitions, politicians, Eng. imperialism vs. French Canadian nationalism, immigration & results, minorities in Canada...


-Laurier era: 7415 5386

November 16, 17; 20, 21:

-4 ped days; the beginning of three Common Front strike days
-Nov. 24: hard picket line by FAE strikers (teachers on the French side)
-email update to parents: notes to study & textbook reading (next topic: 2nd phase of industrialization)

Friday, October 27, 2023

Oct. 30-Nov. 3: Chapter 1 Exam

 Ch. 1 Exam: Thursday (02) & Friday (01)
21 short answer questions, based on documents; know the following topics:
-Act of Union (change & continuity, territory); 
-responsible gov't (events, politicians, means, change, dates);
-economic issues (end of protectionism, Reciprocity T., domestic market, National Policy); 
-confederation (politicians, time period, territory of Dominion of Canada); 
-problems associated with Canada's growth (fed-provincial issues, provincial autonomy, Metis uprisings, railway); 
-first phase of industrialization & social change (industries, characteristics, social change, urbanization, conditions in factories, in working class neighbourhoods...); 
-migration (urbanization, emigration, colonization); 
-the Church's role in Quebec (debate between ultramontanes & anticlericals).

-notes (17 pages) and handouts
-textbook mini-summaries: pp. 37, 53, 65, 83, & 99
-pp. 102-104, end of chapter summary
-link to a slideshow on the first phase of industrialization
-do the following quizziz:
1. Industrialization & social change (7365 3123) 

Focus on skills & terms:
-time period
-elements of agreement or disagreement
-recognizing basic facts

Heritage Minute: CPR

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

1. Video: "Restrictions on Women, end of the 19th century"
2. Review questions: First phase of industrialization
-use class notes

Monday, October 16, 2023

Oct. 16-20: Complete indigenous issues on the Prairies; start First phase of industrialization

-read: Who are the Metis? Metis' List of Rights...
1. Notes:
-complete Numbered Treaties and the Indian Act, 1876
-Louis Riel & the North-West Rebellion, 1885
2. Classwork:
-readings and tasks about issues in western Canada
-complete booklet (up to qst. 13)
3. Quiz: Friday
-15 short answer question quiz (20 marks)
-notes, p. 9-11: Metis rebellions, Treaties & the "Indian Act," 1876
Quizziz: NEW CODE - 8140 5600

-start First phase of industrialization
-notes: p. 12 & 13

Pre-quiz review questions:

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Oct. 2-6: First decades of Confederation & mid-chap. test

Tues. (01) & Wed. (02):
Mid-chapter 1 test: 19 short answer questions (46 marks) and 1 long answer (8)
-6 questions: Act of Union to Indigenous people in C.E. (notes, p. 1-5)
-9 questions: factors of confederation to federal union under the B. N. A. Act, 1867 (notes, p. 6-7)
-refer to textbook pages & handouts
-two quizziz @
1.Durham to end of British protection: 86424114   
2. Reciprocity to Confederation: 80776407

1. Upcoming topics: Problems associated with Canada's growth
-provincial autonomy 
-Riel & Metis rebellions
-Numbered Treaties and the Indian Act, 1876
2. Classwork:
-notes, readings and tasks about issues in western Canada
-read: Who are the Metis? Metis' List of Rights...

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Sept. 25-29: Confederation & the B.N.A. Act

-Canada's evolution from colony to semi-independent country, territory and constitution
-notes, textbook reading, document analysis, graphic organizer (review)

Confederation video:

John A. Macdonald:

Levels of government in Canada:

-background reasons, politicians, conferences, the constitution, Canada's territory, the federal system

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Sept. 18-21: Practice essay & start background to Confederation

-return first test
-Reciprocity: complete notes & reading
-skill development: how to organize and write long answer question ("essay")

Thurs. (red), next Mon. (blue):
-notes: The Great Coalition
-handout: "Toward Confederation"

Monday, September 11, 2023

Sept. 11-15: Ministerial instability to Reciprocity Treaty...

Blue (02):
-Review notes, p. 1 & 2: Act of Union, Achieving Responsible government, Functioning of resp. gov.
-discuss Elgin and the burning of parliament in Montreal, 1849
-Notes: start p. 3 (Ministerial Instability)
Red (01):
-hand in map: territory in BNA, 1840
-Notes: start p. 3 (Ministerial Instability)

Wed-Fri.:  Red 01 and Blue 02:
-Notes: economic changes (protectionism to free trade)
-handout: reading & 5 questions
-first quiz

Short answer questions (~20-25 marks)
-Durham to Reciprocity
-study notes, p. 1- 4, review timeline, use review questions

Quizizz review: 16 questions
-Durham to end of British protectionism
-go to
-enter code 91020290

Map, 1840 (~9 marks)
-territory of B.N.A
-bordering regions (eg., U.S.A.)

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Sept. 5-8: Political changes, Act of Union

 Tues. & Wed.:
-review Durham, territorial change
-notes: political continuity & change
-complete Act of Union map (instructions)

Monday, May 22, 2023

May 23-26: Exam review (ch. 4, full year) & Ch. 4 exam

Tues.-Wed., 01 & 03:
-exam review
Thurs.-Fri., 01 & 03
-ch. 4 exam

June exam info:

Sunday, May 14, 2023

May 15-19: Finish social demographic change & essay evaluation

-finish notes: social demographic change
-upcoming notes: "gender equality" and "language issues" 
-will start reviewing chapter 1 - "got it, forgot it" chart
Quizziz: Economic & social issues since 1980 - 29780799

Thurs. (purple) & Fri. (red): Essay evaluation
-LiFT & class
-a chapter 3 topic: two-paragraph essay


Sunday, May 7, 2023

May 8-12: Quiz on Indigenous issues; globalization & economic issues since the 1980's

 Monday (red) -Tuesday (purple): Quiz
-indigenous issues: 8 short answer questions; 
-study: one page of notes, booklet reading, look over your mind map
-quizziz: Indigenous issues - 51265887
-continue economic issues since 1980

Chapter 4 exam: 
May 25/26

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Apr. 24-28 (day 8): Finish Que.'s political status & indigenous issues since 1980

This week:
-complete Quebec's political status
-start indigenous issues
-video: overview of residential schools

Oka crisis video: shootout in July, 1990

Quizizz: Political issues since 1980
-includes topics we haven't finished
-Quebec's status, indigenous issues, military missions
code: 33586799

-Charter of Rights and Freedom
-Parizeau's referendum speech & resignation
-Behind the referendum scenes
-Retrospective of Trudeau's life

Monday, April 3, 2023

Apr. 3-6: Finish ch. 3 & exam

-complete note on various developments in the 1970's
-exam: Wednesday (03) and Thursday (01)

Review quizizz:
-edited, updated Duplessis:  21509391
-Quebec in the 1960s:  5861 9151
-Quebec in the 1970s:  4826 4463 (not quite finished but it's what I've got).

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Mar. 27-31:

Chapter 3 exam: April 5 & 6
21 questions based on documents
approximately 35% of term 3

Quiz: study note pages 7-11
-Quebecois nationalism, language laws, continentalization, Laurendeau-Dunton commission, indigenous demands and gains
-15 short answer questions

James Bay mega project, 1970's:

Friday, March 17, 2023

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Mar. 7-10: Quiet Revolution, 1960's in Quebec.

Evaluation: Mark your calendars
-mid-chapter 3 quiz after Quiet Revolution topic completed (~ Mar. 16/17): a few short answer and a two-paragraph essay
-essay or diagram question
-chapter 3 exam: around April 5

Start reviewing:
-quizizz (till March 20): Duplessis era
-quizizz: Quiet Revolution & the 1960's

This week: Ms. V is out Tues. & Wed.
-practice essay
-review sheets
-STUDY for mid-chap. quiz

-Levesque in 1968
-Rene Levesque lays out plan for nationalization of hydro-electricity

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Feb. 20-24: Carnival to quiz!

Thursday: Quiz
Duplessis & consumer society
-12 short answer questions, 25 marks
-study booklet and notes, pp. 2-4

Quizizz: Duplessis era: 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Feb: 13-17: Duplessis era & start social change, 1950's

-review Duplessis' economic policies
-notes: political & social aspects of Duplessis' gov't
-booklet: p. 1-2 - read & complete

Map instructions: Refer to the map below.
-need black or blue pen; 
crayons: red or purple or orange crayon; blue
1. Create a good title (place, time, topic...);
2. Label the following:
Bodies of water:
-St. Lawrence river, James & Hudson Bay, Ungava Bay
-Quebec, Labrador
-Nouveau Quebec, Cote Nord
-mining towns: Shefferville, Gagnon
-port towns: Sept Iles, Port Cartier
-draw in red or orange the two new railroads connecting ports to mining towns
-label the mineral resource in NQ & CN (esp. around Shefferville & Gagnon)
-complete the legend with towns, resources, colours.

Wednesday p.m.: Career fair

Monday, January 30, 2023

Jan. 30-Feb. 3: Mid-year exam & ch. 3 (Cold War videos)

1. Exam tutorial, after school, January 31, 4:00-5:30
2. Mid year exam, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2:00-3:46
-chapter 1 & 2 (1840-1896-1945)
=~50% of term 2

Background to Confederation 0949 4203
Metis, Numbered Treaties, Indian Act 2404 3195
Industrialization & social change 6644 4987

You might enjoy these videos about the Cold War:


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Jan. 23-27: Chap. 2 exam, tutorial Thursday, start ch. 3

Tutorial for the mid-year exam will be held this Thurs., January 26, from 4:00-5:30. We will go over chapter 1 mainly as well as chapter 2. 
Quizizz: Great Depression 4570 4347
Quizizz: WWII 2879 1899

Group 03Mon-Tues-Thurs
-chapter 2 exam, approximately 35% of term 2
-begin chapter 3 on Tuesday, Thursday

Group 01: Wed-Fri
-ch. 2 exam, approximately 35%
-begin chapter 3 on Friday

Monday, January 16, 2023

Jan. 16-20: Finish ch. 2 & exam info

 Mon-Tues: 01 & 03
-complete WWII (notes 21-22)

Thursday: group 03 chap. 2 review - exam next Monday (23)
Thursday: group 01 chap. 2 review - exam this Friday (20)

Quizizz: Great Depression 4570 4347
Quizizz: WWII 2879 1899

-extra time: arrive early
-format: 22 short answer questions

Topics related to:
-Laurier era issues
-immigration at the turn of the century
-urban areas in the first part of the 20th c
-social changes
-industrialization, 2nd phase
-women's struggles 
-political issues
-currents of thought ("ism" words)
-1920's & 1930's 
-the two world wars

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Jan. 9-13: Finish Great Dep. & reactions; start WWII and EXAM INFO

Quizizz: Great Depression 4570 4347

-finish Great Depression notes (18-20): effects on the economy and society
-complete Canadians' reactions to government's actions...
-correct blue paper

-short answer quiz about the great depression
-start notes, WWII

-extra time: arrive early
-format: 22 short answer questions

Topics related to:
-urban areas
-social change
-women's struggles 
-political issues
-currents of thought ("ism" words)
-1920's & 1930's 
-the two world wars

Intellectual skills - be able to identify:
-cause & consequence
-continuity & change
-time period, chronology, before & after
-point of view of historical actors
-facts or characteristics of a time period
-similarity & difference
-causal connection

MID-YEAR EXAM: FEBRUARY 1, 2:00-3:45 in the cafeteria
-MUST be there, like the June exam
-extra time: 1:30 start
-chapter 1 & 2 (1840-1896-1945)
-regular short-answer questions (34 marks)
-1 diagram question (8 marks)
-1 two-paragraph "long answer" (8 marks)

Possible tutorial January 25.