Monday, January 30, 2023

Jan. 30-Feb. 3: Mid-year exam & ch. 3 (Cold War videos)

1. Exam tutorial, after school, January 31, 4:00-5:30
2. Mid year exam, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2:00-3:46
-chapter 1 & 2 (1840-1896-1945)
=~50% of term 2

Background to Confederation 0949 4203
Metis, Numbered Treaties, Indian Act 2404 3195
Industrialization & social change 6644 4987

You might enjoy these videos about the Cold War:


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Jan. 23-27: Chap. 2 exam, tutorial Thursday, start ch. 3

Tutorial for the mid-year exam will be held this Thurs., January 26, from 4:00-5:30. We will go over chapter 1 mainly as well as chapter 2. 
Quizizz: Great Depression 4570 4347
Quizizz: WWII 2879 1899

Group 03Mon-Tues-Thurs
-chapter 2 exam, approximately 35% of term 2
-begin chapter 3 on Tuesday, Thursday

Group 01: Wed-Fri
-ch. 2 exam, approximately 35%
-begin chapter 3 on Friday

Monday, January 16, 2023

Jan. 16-20: Finish ch. 2 & exam info

 Mon-Tues: 01 & 03
-complete WWII (notes 21-22)

Thursday: group 03 chap. 2 review - exam next Monday (23)
Thursday: group 01 chap. 2 review - exam this Friday (20)

Quizizz: Great Depression 4570 4347
Quizizz: WWII 2879 1899

-extra time: arrive early
-format: 22 short answer questions

Topics related to:
-Laurier era issues
-immigration at the turn of the century
-urban areas in the first part of the 20th c
-social changes
-industrialization, 2nd phase
-women's struggles 
-political issues
-currents of thought ("ism" words)
-1920's & 1930's 
-the two world wars

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Jan. 9-13: Finish Great Dep. & reactions; start WWII and EXAM INFO

Quizizz: Great Depression 4570 4347

-finish Great Depression notes (18-20): effects on the economy and society
-complete Canadians' reactions to government's actions...
-correct blue paper

-short answer quiz about the great depression
-start notes, WWII

-extra time: arrive early
-format: 22 short answer questions

Topics related to:
-urban areas
-social change
-women's struggles 
-political issues
-currents of thought ("ism" words)
-1920's & 1930's 
-the two world wars

Intellectual skills - be able to identify:
-cause & consequence
-continuity & change
-time period, chronology, before & after
-point of view of historical actors
-facts or characteristics of a time period
-similarity & difference
-causal connection

MID-YEAR EXAM: FEBRUARY 1, 2:00-3:45 in the cafeteria
-MUST be there, like the June exam
-extra time: 1:30 start
-chapter 1 & 2 (1840-1896-1945)
-regular short-answer questions (34 marks)
-1 diagram question (8 marks)
-1 two-paragraph "long answer" (8 marks)

Possible tutorial January 25.