Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Feb. 20-24: Carnival to quiz!

Thursday: Quiz
Duplessis & consumer society
-12 short answer questions, 25 marks
-study booklet and notes, pp. 2-4

Quizizz: Duplessis era: 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Feb: 13-17: Duplessis era & start social change, 1950's

-review Duplessis' economic policies
-notes: political & social aspects of Duplessis' gov't
-booklet: p. 1-2 - read & complete

Map instructions: Refer to the map below.
-need black or blue pen; 
crayons: red or purple or orange crayon; blue
1. Create a good title (place, time, topic...);
2. Label the following:
Bodies of water:
-St. Lawrence river, James & Hudson Bay, Ungava Bay
-Quebec, Labrador
-Nouveau Quebec, Cote Nord
-mining towns: Shefferville, Gagnon
-port towns: Sept Iles, Port Cartier
-draw in red or orange the two new railroads connecting ports to mining towns
-label the mineral resource in NQ & CN (esp. around Shefferville & Gagnon)
-complete the legend with towns, resources, colours.

Wednesday p.m.: Career fair