Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Mar. 11-14: Complete Quiet Revolution

1. Notes
-State intervention in the economy - "maitres chez nous" 
-impact of the Quiet Rev. on Quebec

2. Mid-ch. 3 qu-est:
-covers notes, pp. 1-7
-10-12 short answers based on documents 
-two paragraph essay or diagram question

3. Chapter 3 exam: ~April 3-5
21 questions based on documents
approximately 35% of term 3

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Feb 24-27: Quiz, Duplessis era & start Quiet Revolution

Mon. & Tues:
-Duplessis quiz (13 short questions + map)
-start notes: Quiet Revolution - changes to social services (secularization)
-after the break, economic changes & the impact of the QR

Mark your calendars
-mid-ch. 3 quiz after Quiet Rev. topic completed (~ Mar. 14): 
-10-12 short answers based on documents 
-two paragraph essay or diagram question
-chapter 3 exam: around April 5 (~25% of term 3)

From the 70's, "The Waltons"!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

This week, Feb. 18-21: Finish Duplessis era, upcoming quiz info, & carnival

Tues.-Thurs.: finish Duplessis era
-notes: Social changes (population, consumer society).
-read & complete reading: The Baby Boom
-map instructions: see previous post
Quizizz: Duplessis era - 2395 0760

Quiz: Monday (Feb. 24, purple) & Tuesday (Feb. 25, red & blue):
Cold War, Duplessis & consumer society
-about 12-14 short answer questions, ~30 marks
-1 map
-study notes (1-5), handouts, know the map of regional development in the 1950's

Friday, February 7, 2025

 Mon-Tues: 04 purple, period 4
-review: Duplessis' economic policies
-notes: political & social aspects of Duplessis' gov't
-booklet: p. 1-read & complete questions; complete the map

MAP: Refer to textbook p. 213 and map below.
-pen: black or blue
-crayons: red or purple or orangeblue (H20)
1. Include a good title (location, time period, topic...);
2. Label the following in pen:
Bodies of water:
-St. Lawrence river, James Bay, Hudson Bay, Ungava Bay
-Quebec, Labrador
-"Nouveau Quebec," Cote Nord
-mining towns: Shefferville, Gagnon
-port towns: Sept Iles, Port Cartier
-draw in red or orange the two new railroads connecting ports to mining towns
-label the mineral resource in NQ & CN (esp. around Shefferville & Gagnon)
-complete the legend with towns, resources, colours.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Start Ch. 3: Modernization of Quebec (scroll down for MID-YEAR EXAM info & quizizz codes)

-return ch. 2 exams
-review: chapter 1
-Wed., Jan. 29: short essay

-notes: the Cold War

Two videos about the Cold War, one from "Crash Course:"

Mid-year exam, February 4

MID-YEAR EXAM information:
Feb. 4, 2:00-3:46 in the cafeteria
-chapter 1 & 2 (1840-1896-1945)
-18 short-answer questions (34)
-diagram (8)
-long answer (8)
=~50% of term 2

The following quizizz codes are available till Feb. 4; after that, they are expired.

Ch. 1 quizizz:
-Act of Union to end of protectionism: 1871 5632 
-Background to Confederation: 16011912 (updated!)
-Reciprocity to Confederation: 1472 0624
-Metis and Indigenous issues, late 19th: 1208 0112
-First phase & social change, late 19th: 5127 0640

Ch. 2 quizizz: 
-Laurier era: 0319 1536   
-2nd phase: 0744 6128  
-WWI: 36762352
-Social changes: 1517 6688
-Great Depression: ended
-WWII: ended

Here's a link to a slideshow about the first phase of industrialization and a 2-minute video about women in the late 19th century.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Ch. 2 exam information

Chapter 2 quizizz: 
-Laurier er: 0319 1536   
-2nd phase: 0744 6128  
-WWI: 36762352
-Great Depression: 1331 6144
-WWII: 3772 9456

extra time: arrive early on Jan. 23 - classroom will be open 15 minutes before warning bell

~21 short answer questions using documents

-Laurier era issues (foreign, domestic)
-immigration (measures, consequences, origins...)
-urban areas in the first part of the 20th c
-social changes
-industrialization, 2nd phase
-women's struggles 
-political issues
-ideologies ("ism" words)
-1920's versus the 1930's 

In preparation for the MID-YEAR EXAM on Feb. 4, here are ch. 1 quizizz:

-QZ 1, Act of Union to end of protectionism: 1871 5632 (updated)
-QZ 2, Background to Confederation: 0554 5584
-QZ 3, Reciprocity to Confederation: 1472 0624

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Welcome back - happy 2025!

January 8-9: Wed-Thurs (p. 15)
-notes: The Roaring '20's -Mass culture & the interwar years
-reading: Mass Culture

January 10-14: Friday-Tuesday (p. 16-17)
-notes: Great Depression - socio-economic effects, government interventions, 
-notes: Canadians' political reactions as a result of the GD

Great Depression quizziz: 1331 6144

January 17-22: Friday-Wednesday (p. 18-20)
-notes: WWII
-notes: Quebec's gov't during WWII

WWII quizziz coming.

Upcoming evaluation:
-Essay: January 29
-Chapter II: January 24 (start studying)
-Mid-year: February 4 (chap. 1 & 2)
-together worth about 75% of term 2