- The essay about the relationship between the Catholic Church and the government of Quebec is DUE by Wednesday, May 29, depending on which group you are in...
- homework: see below (textbook readings & various interest groups in Quebec society)
Examine the relationship between labour unions, women, linguistic groups and environmental groups with the government of Quebec:
A. Read the pages that correspond to the following interest groups in Canadian society; with your partners, discuss the questions provided in class:
-labour unions, pp. 147-148
-women, p. 149-150; 157-158
-linguistic groups, p. 158-159 + booklet
-environmental groups, p. 165-166
Use these to guide your reading:
What were the demands made by each group? Why?
What methods did each group use to press for their demands?
Did these groups have an influence on the official power? Have they influenced laws? policies?
What gains did they achieve?
How does the media play a role in the gains made by these groups - especially more recently?
Class notes:

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