Thursday, February 20, 2014

End of unit exam: Economic development, 1500-present day

Tuesday, Wednesday (Feb. 25, 26)
21 short answer questions, based on documents
20% term III

To study: Booklet review (green)
textbook, pp. 146-225
textbook, pp. 264-265
maps, p. 305-308
notes (eg. pink booklets with list of topics to understand during the British period)

-make a timeline for each period
-write questions and answers on cue cards
-use SQ3R with class notes
-mind map different topics (eg. "economic changes during the 1960's)
-analyse documents in the text
-send questions to Ms. V about things you don't understand

Quiet Revolution:

This is the third slide, referring to the effects of economic development on Quebec during the 1960's-1980:


  1. will you have an exam tutorial? :)

  2. Thank you for posting the notes! Were there more that I may have missed from Monday's class?

    1. Nope - that's it! But did you get the booklet? The notes you missed Monday go with textbook pp. 220-225. I hope tonight was helpful. Sorry you had to leave. ACK!
