Monday: Finish group work
Take it seriously and help each other prepare for tomorrow's test:
-BLUE: (period 2)
(1) complete unions, women's groups versus power and create two timelines of important events (on blue paper)
(2) when finished, read over printed notes;
(3) start review booklet that Ms. Long has.
-RED: (period 4)
(1) complete environment and linguistic groups versus official power and discuss;
(2) when you are finished completing the table in the booklet, read the printed notes I've made;
(3) start on the 4-page review booklet;
(4) read the pages in the booklet about Nationalist groups in Quebec.
Remember: Short answer test, TUESDAY. Study the CANADIAN period (natives, church, fed-prov. relations, unions, women's groups, linguistic groups...). About three questions per topic/group.
Tuesday: Period 2, 3, 4
-20 question test; all short answer.
-based on your notes, booklet and readings (1867-present).
Post-Easter break, (after April 19):
You have an OFFICIAL POWER EXAM (~35% of term III). It consists of 21 questions, [French regime (6), British rule (6), Contemporary Canada (9)], based on documents.

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