Monday, April 27, 2015

Apr. 27-30: Contemporary period of power

This week: Monday, Tuesday
- review (Got it-Forgot it, and church-state relations)
- correct booklet: power relations between the State & Catholic church in Quebec

Finish new topic:
Federal-provincial relations
- complete notes
- read p. 141-143
- causal connection question (practice)

Next class: Group work
1-readings in booklet and textbook (pages are indicated on p. 7 of the booklet);
2-focus on following interest groups:
(a) unions; (b) women's groups; (c) environmentalists & (d) language rights groups (Fr. AND Eng.); and pay attention to the:
-demands (depending on time period)
-means used to influence…
-results of pressure

3-complete chart on p. 8 of the purple booklet

Friday, April 17, 2015

Apr. 20-24: Contemporary period of power relations

Monday, Blue:
-notes: Aboriginal power relations with governments since 1867
-purple booklet: page 1 & 2 using textbook pp. 144-146; and p. 160
Wednesday - see information below

Tuesday, red & purple groups:
-hand in paragraph about aboriginal relations (p. 2, #5 in the booklet)
-notes: Catholic church and relations with the Quebec gov't
Thurs: Group work?

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Apr. 13-17: Start the Contemporary period of power relations

-complete British period (relations between colonial authorities and Abor (notes), and Catholic church (reading));
-in-class essay evaluation (10% term).

-begin contemporary Canadian period
-evolution of relations with Metis & Aboriginals over 150 years
-read textbook, pp. 144-146 and p. 160. Complete work on p. 1 & 2 in purple booklet.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Contemporary Canada

We'll be watching this soon:

Canada's Charter of Rights:

How do political parties work?