Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 19-22: Culture... and Final June Exam tips...

May 19, 20 (Tues., Wed.):
-go over the Official power exam

Start: Aboriginal Spirituality
-read pgs. 11-15
-read over the notes that I printed for you (yellow)
-answer the five questions, fill in the blank and complete T/F

May 21, 22 (Thurs., Fri.):
-culture in New France

To study effectively for June 15, start now:


1-use the exam "bible" to guide you;
2-read class notes and make questions based on the "bible" (SQ3R);
3-answer these questions (don't focus on simply on facts and dates... ask whyhow, cause & consequence, continuity & change, characterise, government measures...);
4-summarise different time period by making a timeline;
5-make yourself mind mapsflashcards, study difficult vocal and go over key words in each unit;
6-illustrate your study notes or questions;
7-use review pages in textbooks;
8-use review pages or booklets (eg. green booklet for Economy & Development);
9-use the LEARN website or try old exams at any point between now and June 15

Population & settlement, 1500-present:
Goal: to understand who immigrated into Quebec (or emigrated from) and how these groups impacted the society and the territory...
-know who arrived and when they arrived and what issues are related to their arrival or departure and to population increase or decrease
-understand the characteristics of Quebec society in each time period (1500-1608-1760-1867-2015)
-examine documents: blue text, pp. 96-99
-examine questions: blue text, p. 132, #1; p. 133, #2.
-read over chapter summary: blue text, pp. 134-135
-try review activities: blue text, p. 136-137 - #1 (timeline), 3, 5

Economy & development, 1500-present:
Goal: to understand the economic development of Quebec since the 16th century; understand the exploitation of resources and the development of regions and how economic activity affected Quebec society and territory during different time periods
-examine documents: blue text p. 226-229
-examine questions: blue text p. 262, #1
-read over chapter summary: blue text pp. 264-265
-try review activities: blue text #1 (timeline of economy);, #3, 4, 5.

Maps: Evolution of territory (blue text)
p. 306-308: Aboriginal nations to Canada's territorial expansion by 1999

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 4-8; May 11-12: Finishing Contemporary Canada...

Official power exam: next Wed, May 13 and Thurs. May 14
21 Short answer questions based on documents