Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Oct. 27-31: finish Brit. period 1815-1867 & exam information

Finish FIB notes:
1-social & territorial effects of Br. immigration to Lower Canada
2-Fr-Canadian emigration to the USA (explanation and impact)
3-Natives in Lower Canada (population stagnation)
homework: read textbook pp. 51-56; complete back page of notes (FIB, 3 questions)

Review questions to help you study your notes about the period 1815-1867:
1. What was the population of Quebec (Lower Can/Can. West) in: 1760? 1791? 1842? 1861?
2. What is B.N.A.? What colonies made up B.N.A.?
3. After 1815, from where did immigrants to B.N.A. arrive in great numbers?
4. What explains why these people immigrated to B.N.A. (push-pull factors)?
5. Why did most of these immigrants migrate from Lower to Upper Canada?
6. Compare population growth in Lower and Upper Canada by the mid-19th century.
7. What impact did the Great Migration (from British Isles) have on Quebec’s (a) society; and (b) territory?
8. What impact did population growth have on rural areas and on the St. Lawrence Valley?
9. Explain the reasons for the French-canadiens’ emigration from Quebec. Where did the go?
10. What measures did the Quebec gov’t implement to solve the Fr-can emigration? Did they work?
11. Explain the impact of population growth on urban areas. How did cities change during the nineteenth century?

Term test:
-Nov. 6 & 7
-short answer based on documents
-essay, based on documents

-the evaluation covers content about the development of population and its impact on Quebec's society and territory; this includes the following periods:

-the Aboriginal (origins, three linguistic groups, their ways of life, and characteristics of each);

-French regime (problems of population growth before RG, changes after Royal Government, measures taken by the government, results of government measures, pop. of NF in 1760; occupied vs claimed territory...);

-British rule (continuity and change after the change of empire in 1763, changes in population owing to "migration flows," (immigration: Br. merchants, Loyalists, from the British Isles; emigration: French-Canadian to USA)  the changing territory of Quebec (boundaries, inhabited territory...)

-early Canada, 1867-1930

To study:
-class notes & handouts
-don't read the textbook; find various pages (summary, timelines,...)
-examine documents in the textbook, in your handouts.

First: organise all your notes and handouts; make sure you have everything in order... Then:
1. make yourself cue cards, with a question on the front, answer on the back... (eg. What were government measures meant to keep French-Canadians from emigrating to the United States?)
2. use the SQ3R method...
3. study about 20 minutes every night, only

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