Friday, September 18, 2015

Sept. 21-25: Pop. & Settlement in NF and first test

Begin population & settlement in New France.

What to study on your first test:
Sept. 22, Tues, per. 1 - Purple (03)
Sept. 23, Wed, per. 3, 4 - Red (01), Blue (02)

-2 maps (aboriginal locations, circa 1500; world map - continents, oceans, Quebec, France)
-about 20 short answer questions

Topics include:
-Quebec today (5 marks)
-Aboriginals (origins, migrations, location, organization of territory, use of territory, way of life...)
-Cartier, fishing, Champlain...

How to study:
-15 to 20 minutes a night
-use the two booklets (purple, yellow) to write questions and recite
-print map and test yourself

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